The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had. Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow, no tomorrow, no tomorrow. Lines from one of my favorite songs, Mad World. I don't know if my interpretation is right, but to me this song is about a monotonous life. One bad day and everything hits you hard, you realize that the life you've lived has nothing to do with the dreams you had as a kid. You've painted your life grey, not 50 shades, just one. That's how monotonous you've become. This isn't about you, it's about me. Selfish? Maybe. My life has been on autopilot, wake up, curse studies, binge, eat, sleep. What happened to all that enthusiasm in learning something new? What happened to that awe when I learnt something new in science? I've been fooled into believing that this is the life I want. I blame no one but me. My foolishness. My naivety. You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost. Another line from one of my favorites, Bad Day. Is my playlist nothing but a reflection of my mood? I'd like to think so. I find solace in these songs. Sometimes they uplift me, sometimes they remind me of the dreams I've killed. Do I qualify now as a murderer? The society taught me not to be an engineer, but a murderer. Deep words. Life is beautiful. Life is about hope, light at the end of the tunnel. That's my pursuit for a while. I'm not alone. I've got me!
I've always wanted to write about decisions. It is a topic I've always found funny yet something I have never really understood. To set things straight, I am of the opinion that decisions is what makes us "us" and not anybody else. The immediate consequence is almost always regret. What intrigues me is, is regret a simple hatred of our past, or is it simply a disregard? Understanding that the decision maker was us, I don't get how regret has a role to play in defining who we are. The straight forward path always seems to be the one where we make our decisions and live by them. This is what most self-help books or any inspiring talk would talk about. I disagree. Though I don't really understand regret, I believe it is a necessary evil. It is simply us acknowledging the mistake we've made. This is truly the first step to growth. We're often given choices to make, from whether to snooze or wake up to whether we should save or spend. Like in vid...
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