I did type out the ending of this blog. Something inside me thought I should reopen this. So here I am, starting with a new attempt - poems. This one's about impermanence. Every morning, every night, Life keeps testing your might, You want to take the easy way out, But this little voice and its humble shout, Keeps the hope in you alive, Into the pool of life you dive, Unknowing of the depth in the pull, You're only trying to live to the full, In that moment, the freedom that brings, With the memory of the impermanence of things.
The title of the post must be self explanatory. I started this blog as a vent. A vent for everything in my head. On a few days, I'd sit and write whatever was floating in my mind. It brought in a lot of serenity, a lot of closure to the multitude of happenings. On top of all that, I realised what most people actually feel. Initially, I thought I was alone and the thoughts creeping up in my head was a part of me and me alone. Once I started writing, I got to understand that there are people who feel the same. I don't necessarily know if the blog made you happy or sad. I don't know if it made me happy or sad. I wanted to write and this was my platform for the same. I've found my love for writing. I've found peace and solace in it. I will continue to do so but on a different platform. A new beginning. Soon. In my journey to understanding why I feel the way I feel, I realised that most of us are filled with a lot of disturbance. There's a lot of rage agains...